Thankful for a safe week
Thankful for friends that took on the love does mentality. We have one car and one motorcycle, and although it normally works great for us, when the motorcycle dude is sick, and I am the taxi driver, using one car for everyone, everywhere, its hard. Getting Matt to and from different hospitals was exactly how we needed help one day, and our friends stepped up to help us. Although our island is small, traffic is large, and for him to battle traffic for Matt was really helpful, allowing kids to keep their routines the same. And meal prep came, which Lord knows the kids needed or else it would be Captain Crunch 3 days straight (although that does seem pretty delish).
Thankful that Matt is now on the mend, and has moved past jello & broth to real food.
Thankful for the real care and love of our family of God to pray for us, to text us and to encourage us. We felt the love and it really carried us through that chaos.
Thankful for a successful fellowship Friday!
Thankful that our tickets for the Gospel meetings in Okanogan are bought! June...hurry up, it has been 3 years since we all were there as a whole family for the whole time & to say I am excited is a total understatement!
Thankful for getting in on the essential oil kick. The orange scent is being diffused currently as I type from my classroom.
Thankful for 4 work days until spring break !
Thankful for kick starting our bible reading plan. Truth be told I have had a hard time creating bible reading time. I always seem to find time to grab a self help book like Sacred Marriage or Love Does, but scripture searching is my last go to... Matt shared a great link
I printed it and was instantly overwhelmed. But then when I take it in chunks, it's way more manageable. I have been able to read 5 chapters a day, and I enjoy that it's from all different books in the bible each day. I hope you enjoy it too if you need a good consistent approach.
Harrison was such a trooper. He wanted to stay with Matt, as he is learning about Heart Attacks in Health and he thought for sure Matt was having symptoms. He got more than he bargained for and stayed there for 4 hours!
Sleepytime. Lately I have been obsessed with this guy sleeping. The older 2 fall asleep within minutes. They are always exhausted & never complain with the 8pm bedtime. Hudson, with a nap at school. is still wide eyed and adorable one on one. But.... we have been training him to sleep then anyways, thanks to the great audio bible, which they all love to listen to. Max MacClean's voice is very soothing, and we all need scripture to be the last thing we hear before bed... so thankful this is the groove!
Fellowship Friday March Edition!
Kicked off with a surprise pizza drop from my friend and janitor!
Look at these kids!! Loved the low key sack supper style picnic.
Kroc was just what we all needed Saturday! Although hubs was too weak to work out, and needed to chill, it was much needed Vit D time for him, as he watched the littles splash and play, so I could jam out a bit at the gym.
Hannah was done swimming, it was breezy, so she was chilly, so here is her happy place.
and here is our place ;) Happily driving around, while everyone naps, and we can jam out to new gospel songs! Matt found a bunch of new to us songs, while he was sick & it was fun to have a mini worship service together.
Check out {The Mylon Hayes Family What a Day That will be and Blackwood Brothers Quartet ;If that isn't love:}
We drove to find some gold at the end of the rainbow. Mission accomplished. The apple fritters were what Matt was dying to try! Poor guy needed sustenance!
Jello and broth were getting old at this point ;)
This. All the hearts. He went unprompted, to write his name. Normally he will not do "unpreffered" tasks without an "If Then Statement". If you write your name, then you can have 10 minutes of games" etc. But Saturday, he was all about it? And it's legible. And it was independent. All big things for this guy.
Sunday Smiles!
Adore how much Hannah loves babies! Calius was adorable as usual, and let Hannah watch him for a few during morning service- until he kept swiping all the hymn books and bibles off the table...
Thankful for Jim & Sue treating us all to Tacos for Sunday Lunch!
So thankful that Matt is feeling better! And I’ll take some of those apple fritters please. 😍 Another adorable and successful fellowship Friday! Way to go. 👌🏼