January is the longest teaching month . ever.
Thankful that even though our beloved Brady did not pull through ( possibly a couple bad calls too ;)) , it was great to see Nick Foles' joy! And how cute is his little princess? It was awesome to hear their head Coach give Praise to our Lord and Savior... and that made Matt google him and the team- and we were loving what their team does together for the Lord!
Thankful for some serious rain over here. We love the snuggle-able weather! But the down side to line drying all our clothes this weekend? Meant almost no clothes to wear that were dry ... sigh....
Thankful for this week's Valentine Style Fellowship Friyay! I can.not. even wait to prep the fun ideas and get our house all pinked out! Praying for a great turn out from the community- we invited a handful of students from a few grade levels at our school, and side note- we are thankful that we planned this event when we did ( a month ago!) - it turns out it'll keep Harrison home with us instead of his 1st middle school dance- HOLLA!- although we would have been semi okay with him attending the dance, because we are hosting this & he is equally as excited to party at home, he is happy to skip it! Thank you Lord! #keepthembubblewrappedalittlelonger
Thankful for winning the attendance ribbon for the 5th straight month here at school. These kids love coming to school, and because I adore my class, I love that they come to school too ;) They are SUCH a fun group!
Thankful for Auntie Tongsun . The exposure we have out here with different cultures really opens my eyes as to how others have lived and how they serve. Her heart to serve others is seriously a "one of a kind" thing. She is so unique and we are so blessed to have her in our lives. She not only blesses Matt by being an awesome boss, she
Thankful for a successful haircut for little bud. He never has been a fan & out here once we got past the ugly grow out stage, Hudson's surfer do was ahhhmazingly fun & oh so cute! But it was just long and a little cray... and the poor boy is such a sweater... so buzz cut here we came... with a slight Nerf gun bribe .... easiest. haircut. ever.
Photo Memories this week:
KoOlina workouts.
Auntie and Matt
We were so excited to get Allen's goody bags from his b- day bash in the mail! What a fun surprise from Auntie Mila - it made us missing his ADORABLE Mickey Bash a tad easier... oh man, these miles... make the milestones oh so hard to miss out on ...
Haircut time!
These clouds. Those rays.
Look at this adorable ONE year old!!!!
Good Reminder.
Takin' the garbage out for Auntie
Saturday Drive.... North Shore... waves for dayz.
GO PATS! What a game. What a loss. We loved all the ads this year too. It seemed very wholesome and really motivating, especially all the Toyota ads & the Olympics. Can not even wait for Thursday ice skating to begin!
Thankful for the Hawaiian Tooth Fairy dropping by again! That front toof is now gone!

Hudson looks like such a big boy! Can't wait to see your Valentine celebrations! ❤️