Thankful that during our wonderful wintery trip we had the luxury of borrowing Dusty's car ... yes he works for Kia but still drives a VW and this car had an automatic starter which is pure genius for those blustery cold mornings! With our own vehicle.. we explored our fave places... and loved every single second. So very thankful.
↠ PGM Night 2- Tuesday 1-2-18
Dinner date with Doc, my amazing principal from Wadsworth 1st tho...
Not pictured are all the hearts ... It was so awesome to connect together but then he was totally up for PGM with us too... we have been praying for his salvation since we met 2 years ago... but even more so after we moved... it was a huge heaven hug that he joined us for the service.... he sat with the kiddos and I and read the words to the 3 beautiful hymns- of course 1st hymn was "Victory in Jesus" and guys please pray for him to have this victory please??!
{See my Highlights on Insta for the Hannah Doc and I selfie }
Yes it was freezing. {But that one time your 12 year old wants a pic together- you race outta the car at the red light, run up the steps, grab a few pics and race back down before the creepy stranger tries to talk to you}
And back home again.... Mimi has the best layouts for sleeping our crew... and always had the fridge stocked with juices... Hudson got the queen mattress to himself and clearly loves it.
↠Wednesday 1-3-18 How is this our last full day here!!??? 😢
1st stop : breakfast date with my bestie Kinder teacher friend Ms Williams Bey.... Mariano's has the BEST Croissant Donuts in case you needed to break any NY Resolutions already
Then we toured the city in the daylight....we love that place... love the people... love the stories... love the buildings... love the history.... love the hubbub..... love our memories....
love love love love... so we needed a video of our blossoming Trump impersonator.... somehow Harrison has developed the Trump voice and persona & it's a crack up!
Love that boys all in personality and his bravery to try new things with gusto!
( And yes Matt's name is My Hunnybuns in my phone because.... well.... that is exactly who he is 💘)
Her text tho. I think we all Amen-ed her. We get you girl 200%. ðŸ˜ðŸ’•
Of course the drive by of IRI happened
And Joyyee slushees
Such a fun treat to have Eric and his new amazingly sweet wife Debbie stop by on their way south! Debbie has 21 grandkids and that grandma love just oozes out of her. What a doll.
Our last supper in IL was well spent with The Hodgson Fam!
Harrison has the desserts under Nerf gun protection- beware ;)
although tears were shed at the door minutes before we departed and we truly questioned our path.. we have full confidence that "He who began a work in us will continue it"... and with that determination to work for Him and stay focused on Eternity.... and somehow plant seeds for His kingdom in Oahu.. we got on those flights....
2018 we got you baby.... Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever Hebrews 13:8- and with this constant- we embrace the change again- the Student teaching for Matty & the closer school for big H.... because God has provided for our every need and shown his faithfulness we can press on knowing He will always provide protect and strengthen our family ... quite possibly in ways that we don't understand at all- and in ways that blow our minds... we are ready to embrace all He has for us... and ask for you to pray alongside our family.... Prayers for the student teaching journey for Matt... Prayers for our family that are in AZ and in IL... Prayers that we can reach our Oahu community with the love of our loving Heavenly Father.
Hawaii welcomed us with 80 degrees and peaceful waves... Operation Get that Tan Back has begun!
The Drive in to North Shore is always peaceful & pretty- especially when we have sleeping littles
The drive out was not that peaceful. We had to leave our fave burger joint due to bees everywhere- we might have been that circus freaking out.... but we left with maybe an ounce of dignity praying the people there were all tourists & never see us again ;).
The bee fear is real and so we took our tribe to the zero wait Cheesecake Factory which was enclosed and bee free!
The kids each got to pick a piece of Cheesecake... thankfully neither was Matt or I's fave- so they got most of it to themselves at home, during a new season of our family's fave Live PD show!
And one of my all time favorite parts of coming home from vacay is.... the piled up mail!! And THANK YOU to all our friends and fam who sent us such beautiful cards.
These will be up year round or until a wind storm comes through ;) We will look at you, love you and pray for you across the crazy amount of miles.
And if you plan to come to Oahu, I know a good place to eat with a super cute waitress and cashier - the food is wooden and calorie free ;)
Ohhhh... also.... our guest room is officially de-Koko-ed. He did a GREAT job surviving while we were away- but we really need to start this year off with our whole house available - that 3rd room as only a cat room is just not ideal.... so he has begun his outdoor chapter... and has survived night one... and we loveeee having that 2nd bathroom and 3rd bedroom & Harrison loves chasing him around our yard. #everyoneshappy
Enjoy the new year and all the new blessings that will come with it!

If you have time for a new read- highly recommend Becoming Mom Strong
( not only is the cover neon an sparkly, the message hits super close to home & so so good)
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