Even when my 1st response is to grumble & complain & be sassy.... I need to praise my Maker ...
{The time away from our family during the ever present holiday season is not as easy as it seemed back in July! But, we are thankful for our church family, and we anticipate a delish dinner all together on Thanksgiving!}
I am thankful for Airborne and lots of fresh carrot juice! We are hoping all the vitamins will help our colds go away!
I am thankful for our cooler temps. It is so refreshing to actually be chilly! We never thought this day would come- one: that we would want that, and two: that we would use a blanket! And Viola! The seasons do change out here! Our leaves are all green- but we notice the sands are shifting - beaches that once were, are no longer, because the water erodes them during bigger swells.
I am thankful for some resort time. A generous parent of one of Matt's students was kind enough to give us access to some amenities at our fave resort! This made our weekend seem like a mini vacay! You may find us here most sunsets, and sunny weekends!
I am thankful that Dunkin has opened their 2nd location 15 minutes away! The lines are way too long to go there on a regular basis- but we were blessed by going on their opening night- just by chance, and since it was a Tuesday and it was after 8pm, we were the only ones in the drive thru line! Iced Coffees there are just too good.
I am thankful for Matt's peripheral vision that stopped the creepy scorpion from getting past the kitchen. Our friends said they have seen 1 or 2 in the 10 years they have been here. Yet we see one in the 1st 6 months. Never even in Arizona?! But here?! What the what!?
{apologies for the nasty linoleum in the background }
I am thankful for online shopping & for free shipping! Tis the season for great online deals!
I am thankful that although our kiddo's colds kept us away from childcare at the gym, meaning no solo workouts for momma this week, they did join me in my "jog" around Koolina. We went 1.21 miles to be precise, and there was some moaning, but they got sweaty & Hudson loves lunges! This boy will be all muscle by 5!
I am thankful for learning through Job.
I am thankful for encouraging, uplifting, joyful tunes.
Fave song:
I am thankful for a yummy new recipe! Thanks to fellow blogging pal! Find it here: Jill's Blog
(One pan wonder! Chicken, green beans, sliced potatoes, olive oil drizzle, chicken seasoning, seasoned salt & Weber's burger seasoning ( we use this on all things!! )
I am thankful for Harrison, who patiently endures siblings on him during every car ride. Exploring the island, with wind in our hair ( and face) make it really easy to fall asleep. We love love love driving to the North Shore, especially stopping at the coffee farm along the way!

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