Thankful for spiritual parenting reminders.
{Yes, we see areas where our kiddos need to make progress, but the model for them has been off lately, so praying for these truths to stick in my heart 1st!}
Thankful for our Koko buddy being such a well behaved pet.
Thankful for our kids demonstrating responsibility and ownership with Koko and our chickens so well.
Thankful for long distance friendships. Hannah getting penpal mail from her bestie in IL made her week! We really have enjoyed so much of Hawaiian life, but our heart aches for certain pieces of IL too.
Thankful for Hannah having a happy heart, even though the rain cancelled our woulda-been 1st parade in Hawaii! She loves all the hoopla, just like her momma, and she was able to be strong even though severe disappointment was there. I love when I see strength during hard times for our kids- sometimes I feel that we try to bubble wrap them- but I want the reality way of life to help them grow too... so in those hard times... when they show grace and strength ... I am so thankful.

Thankful for Hudson working hard in school and on track for mainstream Kinder next fall! We have seen such growth in speech and behavior, and now the teacher just sent us a link of him decoding "dog" and reading it. Melt my heart.
Thankful for encouragement in our assembly. Although we are a small group, God gives us all help to blend and connect so well. We are thankful for Tom being such a good encouragement to Matt. They strengthen each other in biblical things, and always are there to build each other up. With just 4 brothers in a small gathering, they need each other in pretty powerful ways.
Thankful for our Christmas cards being made as we speak at Costco. Hooray for Jovina, our long time AZ creative genius. She takes blurry iphone pics and somehow makes them look cute and card ready!
Thankful for our winter weather. We loved our soggy, gray Saturday. Although Matty and Harr did not appreciate the pelting rain on Harley, they did survive the drive to Waianae's play-off game. Since Harrison switched schools and said a sad goodbye to his football team, we felt it only right to support their playoffs, and the amazing coach K, gave "Chicago" some props, and let him be the muddy water boy! Harrison's heart burst.
(Please pray as we transition schools again in the near future- January-, God willing. Matt will student teach at my school & Harrison will attend Waianae again, until the end of the year. We are excited and thankful for being able to be so productive out here!)

Hannah LOVES baby Calius ( I know I butchered his spelling! Kate's grandbaby)

We are obsessed with Kroc!
Thankful for Harrison loving all things Hawaiian. He loves the local fave of Musubi. We bought a rice cooker, and viola, can whip this up! It's pretty tasty, just don't look at the SPAM before it's cooked ;) Thankful for our friend 2 houses down, that heard we were attempting homemade Musubi, and ran to the store to get us our very own Musubi press! The aloha vibe here is so beautiful.

Matt captured my heart so full. Watching a friend's wedding video, at sunset, kidfree. Insert every single heart emoji.
Thankful for Matt and Harrison having the entire month of Nov off!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are adventuring, but also working! Matt is such a good sub, and my friends love when he can help in their class! I love having Harrison lead my centers too. My class just loves him!
Thankful for my team. 1st grade teachers are literally the Thursday before the long weekend was our school's fun fair. Each grade level had to run a booth to make some moola. Ours was hair spray and ice cream/waters. Clearly I wanted to model some hairspray stencils! Not a flattering pic of me, but Shae - in the plaid and Crish spraying, are just amazing peeps. Love love love them!
Thankful for our fun Friday in Waikiki! And for free parking at the meters all day!
We left the beach just famished, and couldn't be happier to have found a parking spot at our fave taco place. Eating outside. Beach breeze. Fresh guac. Mango lemonade and a crazy surfer server, made for the best lunch/dinner!
Then..... we were like let's go across the street from the taco joint for sunset. And we did. And we loved the low tide, and lots of fishies and met another Hudson! The other Hudson was not a good listener, and the dude from the luau had to RESCUE him from almost drowning!! The kid was unattended and gurgling water. Made my heart so thankful that our Hudson is almost always in a life vest, no matter the depth of water, and for our Hudson listening and staying close to momma! His fake smile just kills me.
That sunset glow, on that handsome fella.
There's the luau! We loved watching it, for free! We have yet to attend an authentic luau, but this made us feel like we had!
Hugs to you all as your begin the Thanksgiving countdown! has a great November devotion on Strength!
The verses she uses have been very encouraging! Enjoy!