Thankful for this verse.

Thankful for the downpour that we got! We love seeing all the brown mountains turn to lush green!
Thankful for Tuscan seasoned, steam-able broccoli... yes I have a microwave in my class and yes my class might have hated me for the odor, but Mrs Hebert needed her greens!
Thankful for quick runs to Wendy's when there is no home lunch packed! Schooling together is so great!
Thankful for Hannah's continued love of trying new do's on this very willing momma.
Thankful for these humorous letter boards... my feelings precisely!
Thankful for Auntie T... a sweet widow in our Assembly... she is one hard working lady on a mission to share Christ with everyone she serves at her sushi restaurant at the mall.
Look behind Harrison- those tracts and Sunday school papers are there for her customers, and she asked Matt to share the Word with her co-worker.
She has just a beautiful, meek, humble character, that I hope will rub off on me! {and we have loved getting to know her & sampling her sushi creations}
She is hosting a tract or treat pass out during the mall's trick or treat tomorrow....
below is big H pushing her cart around at Costco. She goes all out!
We are praying for a good response, and we know God will be honored
Meanwhile, back at the ranch... or school... the littles and I were investigating our Pumpkins during the 2nd grade's Family Night
Hannah and her teacher Mrs Ching
We tried to make this 😍 in pumpkin form
Thankful for Harrison. Everyday Matt has crazy stories about the drama and sadness that sin has plagued on our youth ...things that 8th graders should never have to experience or feel yet they do... and it's heart breaking and then it's flat out hard to handle as they act like wackos in the class setting- but how can they even focus with all the drama, bullying, nonsense at home, abuse, drugs etc...
they need Jesus and lots of love no matter how they look smell or act.. ...
and then I get hard on Big H for not talking nicely to his sibs.... yes in our house that's an issue but I know in the greater picture, he is around so many other things in the school setting that could be way more dangerous and harmful than a few sassy choice words to the sis. Thankful that we are blessed with a son who is strong and can stand up to others, and decline a date ;) & shine his light.
Pray for our youth- as a whole. Pray for young believers everywhere who go to school, or face friends that may act without morals. Pray hard. These kids are so brave and vulnerable and we need to pray over them with urgency for God to protect them. Just like He did with David... hence me just loving that verse in 2 Samuel... and so when this kid asks for that weird looking Zombie Frap... he gets it... and it was disgusting, but it was the pure joy he had when he saw the pink "brains" whipped cream.
Finding fun in the little things.
Thankful for Fellowship Friday Part 3! It was a Pumpkin Carve- off.... and before that, Keith popped over to take Matt to see the waves. We love having local tour guides!
And then after the pumpkin guts were put away, the guys thought a grill supper was needed at 11pm. I might have showed a little of my not so happy face, but AFTER the food was cooked, and I tasted tested it- I was good!
Gotta love it...honest disclaimer.... I want fellowship & friendship- but only on my terms.. sigh.... and how crazy is that? As if when we invite others over we get to kick them out {graciously of course ;)} at what seems like a normal hour of 10pm!? Thankful for a night owl hubby who helps me grow to be better.... always ready to help and entertain... maybe that extra hour together was just what we needed ... the food for the tummy might have paled in comparison with the soul food.

"Uncle" Nathan Baker is so fun with Hudson!
{Close friends are normally called Uncles and Auntie here, so we are trying to embrace that.}
"Uncle" Keith helped Harrison do this amazing batman pumpkin!
Olivia's purrrfect pumpkin
According to The Today Show, today is #nationalcandycorn day.... Thank you Maria Goff for this post. (She is the author of Love Lives Here... a must read!!)
Thankful for the clouds! We are ready for Halloween-ish weather, so the clouds are a welcome cool down!
Thankful for Micah Tyler's Song "Different"
I don't wanna hear anymore, teach me to listen
I don't wanna see anymore, give me a vision
That you could move this heart, to be set apart
I don't need to recognize, the man in the mirror
And I don't wanna trade Your plan, for something familiar
I can't waste a day, I can't stay the same
I don't wanna see anymore, give me a vision
That you could move this heart, to be set apart
I don't need to recognize, the man in the mirror
And I don't wanna trade Your plan, for something familiar
I can't waste a day, I can't stay the same
I wanna be different
I wanna be changed
'Til all of me is gone
And all that remains
Is a fire so bright
The whole world can see
That there's something different
So come and be different
In me
I wanna be changed
'Til all of me is gone
And all that remains
Is a fire so bright
The whole world can see
That there's something different
So come and be different
In me
And I dont wanna spend my life, stuck in a pattern
And I don't wanna gain this world but lose what matters
And so I'm giving up, everything because
And I don't wanna gain this world but lose what matters
And so I'm giving up, everything because
I wanna be different
I wanna be changed
'Til all of me is gone
And all that remains
Is a fire so bright
The whole world can see
That there's something different
So come and be different; oh-oh
I wanna be changed
'Til all of me is gone
And all that remains
Is a fire so bright
The whole world can see
That there's something different
So come and be different; oh-oh
We loved how creative the trunk or treat was... each trunk was a bible story, and sadly for Hudson, we had to listen to each story, before the game was played and candy earned... yes we only got through Samson and Moses but hey .... we were impressed by the amazing crowd something like this drew in... and have it saved in our idea bank for one day 😍
Samson arm wrestling ....
And the success this boy felt. Look that clenched fist of YES and that smile! He did his minute to win it!
Loved their team work on their Minute to Win it!