Thankful for encouragement. It comes in the strangest forms some moments, but every single time we just thank the Lord. This week it came in the form of an unexpected direct deposit- from the City of Chicago. Like seriously? And a very real, honest, strengthening email from Matt's friend.
Heaven hugs are very very real.
Thankful for a new week - it brings a freshness -with new strength and new routines.
{One new routine is the kids and I walking/strolling/scootering to school. It is .65 miles, and only about 10 minutes! Today was day 1, and although we were wondering about any dog issues ( every single house has some sort of security dog we are noticing!) we made it safely :) and on time. and happily. } ( that is a lot for a 630 am wake up :))
Thankful for having visitors at church Sunday. It's always refreshing to have a new couple visit. Ministry was helpful- creating a daily focus and vision on the eternal, and to let the earthly things (that sometimes totally overwhelm us) be pushed to the back...
Thankful for fun family time and a new to us beach.
There are only 13 parking spaces at this beach, but yet at high time on Saturday morning, we found a spot! And just so happened a Monk Seal had come on shore for molting ... and so we had an exciting, sun burnt kinda Saturday!
It was the perfect way to relax after a 5am wakeup for Harrison's football bus schedule!
(and thankful for a football victory and for Harrison playing QB)
Thankful for our gym/aquatic center discovery. The Kroc Center is our Hawaiian Lifetime equivalent
and although we are not yet in our groove with it- we will be shortly!
I love how there are so many random places to explore and enjoy out here! Small island- but tons of To Dos!
Thankful for this treasured picture. My birth mom and dad with my Uncle Kevin. He is my mom now- (Paulette's) -brother but crazy how they all knew each other back then, and Uncle Kevin sang at their wedding! All 3 are in Heaven.
The sweet program that brings in elderly readers and books to donate.
Kiddos at the new gym's cafe
The pool!
Harrison - the gecko catcher
There he is! #28
Beach fun!
Hudson puts his net in the water and miraculously caught 4 little fish. We were like how did that just happen. Hannah and Harrison try all day and nothing!
Post Beach nutrition: Kale, Broccoli, Pineapple, and some other sweet fruits. It was delish!!
Our neighborhood tortoise! Eating his avocado!Loved watching these baby birdies grow and hatch! But sadly, they both dropped out of the nest!!!??? #Mommabirdfail
Getting DQ giftcards meant a drive to Waikiki! And a new to us mall!! We had heard great things about Ala Moana shopping center..... and the reviews were legit. When you find a flip flop factory- similar to a Build a Bear concept- Momma freaks out :)
And then the struggle was real- Versace on one side- Bath and Body on the other! I think I will stick with the 3.50 soap over the 350 dress :)
Sugarfina...the Candy Boutique... So so so fun. Just window shopped and drooled :)
Thankful for our amazing sunsets. Can not get enough!
This is my goal. One hour at a time. One day at a time.