Thankful this week for our music teacher ( who may be questionably bipolar in how she treats adults and children alike) taking a huge interest in my class for the Black History Assembly and getting them trained to sing Take Me Out to the Ballgame and buying them bats, balls and whistles! It was so. sweet.
Thankful for these two.. Karla is on the left and in my class.. Stephanie her sister is a year older and an absolute angel... this girl makes me earn my money each day that's for sure, but she is a tough, brave little lady, and looked stunning in her matchy matchy sister dress..
Thankful for exciting 1st tooth out news on an emotional day!
Pray for Hannah's school community. A 2nd grader, Sofie Shields, lost her young battle to brain cancer and passed away last week. Hannah's amazing teacher was also Sofie's teacher and had a really rough morning... Hannah felt those vibes and also had a rough morning and had a sweet talk with the school counselor there... then after lunch... those pickles will do it every time ;) her tooth popped out. I really loved how the Lord took care of her that day... Hannah's heart is huge... she wears her true colors on her sleeve, and will break when others are broken... and I love that she loves her teacher so much that she hurt alongside her... and I love that a lost tooth could put all those tears to the side and that sparkle return!
We had heard all day about these amazing donuts, typical for Fat Tuesday... any excuse to try a new donut sounds good to us!
Thankful that we could celebrate amazing Memere from afar! Man, the miles apart are killer especially for the kiddos during fun events like holidays and birthdays... but hooray for Spring Break tickets to AZ bought!! T-minus 26 days!!!
Thankful for Dr Seuss's birthday and his amazing talent in children's literature!
Thankful for ways of spicing up the nights when dad's at work
Of course we need to bake decorate and eat birthday cupcakes in Dr Seuss's honor :)
Thankful that I have flexibility and can bring our kiddos to school. We have it worked out that if Matt can make his Friday meetings happen, we can have a "normal" schedule Friday with us both downtown all morning and home in the afternoon. This Friday Harrison and Hudson had 1/2 days and played hooky. I think I might have worked Harrison harder than in his school ;)
It was Read Quest, a national reading day, and Room 108 returned as champs for most books read. quizzes passed and words read from K-2. Mrs. Hebert may be slightly competitive ;) At 2:40, 5 minutes before competition ended, I said ENOUGH.... our heads hurt, it's sunny outside... we have too many points and we need to RUN and PLAY :)
( it was also PJ day if you are wondering about slippers and snowmen fleece ;))
Thankful that my aunt rocked our world again by sending reading materials that were much needed. Somehow my emotional switch can flip in a literal second and I honestly can't tell you the rationale!? So when I was too stressed out to be a good date, and too annoyed to just enjoy our night, I read. And Read., and read... God has a way of just stopping us and making us listen to Him..7 Solutions for Burnt Out Parents by Dr Dobson.... a must read. Then next was Radical... man this book hits my heart each time! Love love love it.
Thankful that my morning pukiness today must have been food related.. and does not mean I'm pregnant :) Today was a holiday for my kiddos, so they were excited to come to work with me. Matt would bring the boys later, and Hannah and I would go at my normal early bird time as Hannah is up that early too! Love her! I had puked 3 times before getting to work... puked another time with my kids in the class... and then on the way home too... thankful for amazing staff who help out on crazy Mondays! Hannah was totally bumming as she was leading my girls in shamrock craftiness... Although we have 2 adorable H names JUST IN CASE... we reeally have our hearts and hands full with our tribe as it is... so hooray for just 1 blue stripe :) And that meant I was home all day with my kiddos and although I napped most of the day, we did escape for some 7-11 hydration & slurpees and park time...
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