Attitude of Gratitude for the week's blessings....
Thankful that Mary got home from her travels safely!
Thankful that baby Allen was born!
Thankful that Mila and Dusty are over the moon with love for this munchkin, and have begun their parenthood journey.
Thankful for warm weather!
Thankful for a sick weight class that has me finally getting back in shape slowwwly.
Thankful for prayer time.
Thankful for a new bible study beginning with Lysa Terquerst. Interested?
Thankful for our tax guy.
Thankful to be in my final class.
Thankful that Matt got approved to student teach at my school, in the class with my former kids from last year. Prayers appreciated as we navigate the changes between him working full time and him potentially student teaching full time for 16 weeks..if the Lord wills.... changes in schedule, structure and finances.
Friday, after work... the Lord totally lifted Matt's spirits by helping with the 1st job fair at PGM! 15 businesses came in to speak to Matt's group... the week leading up Matt was met with lots of doubt and hindrance from other co-workers.. funny how the devil uses other believers to throw the 1st stone of doubt ... who don't embrace the growth mindset... But God is bigger.... and Friday came.. and all the wonderings about this new idea of a job fair on site... were met with amazing realities... and the joy that was spread was amazing... the hope that was spread ... BAM... unreal... Yay!
Happy fam headed home from hospital xo
Star Speller! Mary helped Hannah study her hard words this week and this girl ACED that test!!! A new snuggle buggle bear was for sure needed ;)
These two. xo
This baby has us all obsessed. Such a perfect little buddy....
Hannah was blessed with two parties this weekend and one had a super cute clown doing great face painting.

Found this on Ann Voskamp's site last week, printed and have it on our door ... so this GREAT reminder hits us every single time we leave.
Enjoy the week friends. XO
Way to go, Matt! We'll be praying for you guys and the changes ahead!