New Song Alert!
Travis Cottrell : Just As I Am... the added chorus is just gorgeous.... Enjoy!
Thankful for one week closer to Christmas break... the days are long... the weeks are fast and we are just trying to stay encouraged in our gray rainy days for the BEACH... and then for our someday call to a beachy mission :)
Thankful to see God's hand in the harder times... the harder times of annoyances and stupidity...and I really dislike that S word... but sometimes it is what it is... but after those moments have passed and I can stand back and just recognize that God is emptying me of me and filling me with Him ( hopefully sooner than later) I have a clearer vision of our vision.... working with my student's parents and Matt's people at PGM and family stuff just has us like "REALLY?! Lord?! THIS!!???" But then we wake up the next day - with a new outlook that the Holy Spirit only provides... no clue where we would be with the Holy Spirit's power each day...
Thankful for another Heavenly blessing from my amazing aunt and uncle. A box of brand new bibles ready to be passed out...
Thankful for Mary getting in our family's groove and making all the adjustments so that our kiddos schedules go just right. Harrison has been extra motivated lately to go on the "zero hour" bus, which leaves at 650am! That means she needs to have all kids up dressed and 1 fed, by 640am! Hannah is always awake, but Hudson is a sleepy bear some days... and the grace she has to be okay with waking up & walking kiddos to bus stop in the pitch black mornings to help Harrison succeed.... is awesome. And yay for yummy spider craft time.
Thankful for Harrison's Honor Roll Report Card. 1st Report Card of Middle School is kinda a big deal to me :) And he pulled it off.... off to Dave & Busters!! ( This 2nd Quarter he is in Spanish instead of Art, I love that they encourage the Arts there, but thinking a Spanish A will be WAY harder than an Art A?!- but we got this, esta' bien ;))
{mean while in the parking lot in the van Hudson and I napped #truestory. #fridaynightsgotmelikezzzzz }
Thankful for a fun night celebrating the winners of the Fire Poster/Essays.
Thankful for PGM's focus of verse memorization. Matt has to memorize 5 verses a week, which is amazing right but totally challenging...we try to work together each morning on them and love the challenge! What a great way to really get scripture in our brains ... praying we can use it and apply it!
Thankful that after a chilly muddy weekend, Harrison's Green Raptor team came in 1st place! Seriously this is a true underdog story :) Normal season they don't keep score- it's just for fun. And they love it and play pretty decently. This weekend was about score... and they pulled it together... and watching Harrison be the goalie during the tie breaking shoot out was intense!!
Thankful for a fun, safe 1st field trip with 9 parent chaperones!!! Love them, even if they tried to put me on their Facebook Live ;)
Thankful for our school playground getting finalized. Guys- the progress has been unreal, and here is a picture of our class planting garlic in our vegetable garden.
You can watch Phase 1 of footage from the still cam footage here:
We are in the final stage- with ribbon cutting in 2 short weeks!!!!Thankful for a successful championship finale for our team!
And thankful that after a fun PJ day at school with guest readers, then a fast candy filled night, Halloween is over and we can plan out Thanksgiving & embrace November!!!
His adorable Brown Bear costume was a no go :( Many many tries, but when all else fails, raid big brother's clothes and pull off an adorable gangster looking football player :) :)
Auntie's new neighborhood is our new fave trick or treat spot!

Their costumes are fantastic! Looks like a lot of busy fun going on for you guys...hang in there with all the other craziness....Florida will be here soon! :)