Today my dad has been rejoicing in Glory for ... 8 years!
Although it has been that long- it feels like yesterday ...yet it feels like forever... my dad has missed out on SO much of our life here! I know that it doesn't matter in reality - but many days his wisdom is needed and missed.... and those bear hugs... incredibly missed... and the love that he had to pour out on Harrison, would only be multiplied for our other 2... sometimes I sit and wonder what it would have been like to have him here the whole time... but the Lord knew ... He knew then that taking my dad home to heaven would set a fire in my heart to serve the Lord. and honestly only that could have done it... I learn the H.A.R.D ways too often... the Lord knew that my dad would be relieved of all the earthly pressure and stress at just the right time. He knew that my mom would find love again and be taken care of and not lonely. He knew that Dusty would pull it together. My dad wasn't able to see that answered prayer here on Earth, but I believe he rejoiced with the angels during Dustin's conversion a couple years ago, and will rejoice in the birth of their son in a couple months.

God has done great things for us. and we are filled... and overflowing... with joy. Not the happy go lucky life is amazingly perfect joy- but the joy that is real and deep that comes from Our Eternal source.

Thankful thoughts for this week 8.8.16:
Thankful for God watching over Hudson. Looking back on our travels, little buddy was quite the explorer and escaped from a house once ( true story. I was out for an AM run, I get a text that isn't
Thankful for our location. We love living so close to the forest preserves! Literally coulda pet this beauty!
Thankful for school supply dates with our oldest 2. Matt thinks he could do it cheaper next year/ HA! We shall see ;) I try hard to make the date about them and not an item for anyone else.. but the dollar spot at Target had me like GIMME ALL THE BACK TO SCHOOL GOODIES!!! So I regressed minor-ly ;)
Thankful for Ross and their amazing prices. Harrison is obsessed with neon. He adores sneakers like crazy and literally wears one pair each day until they wear out/ Why son why!? So to help that - the Lord provided 2 pair of NEON cool amazing nikes at Ross... in his size... which is outta control too big.. he was like mom no way am I a 6... and low and behold... he WAS!!! WHAT!?!?! This kid is TOO much. We want to bottle this age up - minus some of the sister sass he has ;) - We can't wait for middle school and for all the newness this will bring for all of us. Disclaimer Matt had a terrible middle school experience, and I had the BEST one... so we pray that Harrison has the latter ;)
Thankful for the Olympics! We love watching these athletes! Chi is a girl from Matt's training at Lifetime! So cool to actually know an Olympian! She is representing Nigeria in discus :)
Thankful for time away from kiddos to get baby blue nails with Mila! Cant even wait for baby nephew to arrive!!!
Thankful for having a consistent workout week.
Thankful for a fellow teacher's menu ideas... love knowing what other healthy teacher lunch options are available :) #whole30
Thankful for being part of an amazing summer teacher group with a focus on literacy centers .... all i know is that 1- the leader is amazing and has helped me do this virtually and 2- I got 300 bucks in Amazon money for my room!Thankful that the money helped fund my MINI FRIDGE!!! Bring on the cold brew and La Croix for DAYS!! Happy teacher, happy classroom baby :) Just keep drinkin' :)
Thankful for our new grill ( the last one had to be trashed ... as we were totally freaked out after the propane leaked and nearly blew up my amazing grill chef and our whole block ) Matt put this baby together lickety split and we had a feast!!! Yes that is turkey bacon, portobellos, a healthy version of the bloomin' onion, GROSS... cant do that healthy ;), pineapple and amazing burgers... and yes that was our meal for days ... not just a single serving ;)
Thankful for a fun adventure day today! Starved Rock wasn't as scenic as the reviews said it would be... but the hike and outdoorsy-ness did us all good :)
We loved your Dad! Such an incredible man. Good for you for finding the positives in his going to heaven "too early"- that cannot be easy! Thinking of you. xox