This was our trek (although we changed it and took the 80, which had us go down into SD and Iowa), and we broke up the 2,200ish miles by planning for 4 days of 600 miles each day... Super reasonable and attainable and by God's grace we did it!!! This blog post comes from gorgeous dining room of Dave's restored historical mansion.
We left Montana bright n early Tuesday morning 6/5.... We found a great hotel with indoor water park later that evening... kids were excited!
(Road Trippin' Pics....)
Wednesday 6/6
We were totally blown away by crazy cool South Dakota! The pit stops took time but the signs for Wall Drug were too cool so we totally had to stop and taste their 5 cent coffee :) and buffalo burger...and donuts...
My mom had mentioned about the Corn Palace also in SD, and since little buddy was asleep, Matt and the two older ones made a quick trip in there and in this place across the street that was set up to give a mini bible history tour. THEN.... came the icing on the day.... Matt spotted the CUTEST cupcake place ever.... and so... another dose of sugar hits our van, but they were just mini 12 of those bad boys equals like 1 regular one right!? HAHA :) 
Thursday 6/7
Thankful to be kept safe through the construction stuff and thunderstorms & after trying all the rest areas and travel stops along the way {our fearless captain had an ice obsession, so between cups of ice and cups of coffee- we needed many stops ;), we made it to our hotel that night on the Ohio/PA line.... So close yet so far... Cmon NJ!!
Friday 6/8
We are almost there!! The 650 miles seemed endless today- the kids still behaved like angels - seriously so thankful for their love of ipads, dvds (Minions, Angry Birds. Zootopia and Kung Fu Panda 3 are faves), naps. food and hearing their crazy parents sing :) We think we're ready for Pitch Perfect 3- we have some sick Mashups :) Hannah is the lead vocalist and her fave song in the car is Shine Bright Like a Diamond ;) Melt my heart. Its so sweet.
Pulling into Matthew's Diner in NJ, a few miles from Dave's house. to eat a real meal was bliss.
Saturday 6/9
We got settled in this amazing place. I took kiddos to snag Costco stuff, while the boys got the tent stuff figured out. We played Vball with a bunch of the youth from the hall here, as the tent location is on the grounds of a private school, which is home to a fab sand volleyball court and park & had an amazing afternoon together.
Sunday 6/10
Met many new faces, while reconnecting with old friends. Love those friends who you can just pick up from where you left off, 15 years ago.. & Meetings officially began :)
Prayers needed and appreciated ... for God to work... for the speakers and for this crazy momma to entertain 3 kiddos each night ;)
Ok... this was us at a private little lake on Monday... Hannah Hudson & I met up with Becca and her 3 littles 6 and under, and a couple other mommas and their kiddies... the kiddos did a great job of listening and all that jazz.... no issues at all...
but then news comes at 4pm, at a lake a couple towns over,
Bec's friend Denise lost her little girl Sienna... she thought Sienna was swinging at the park next to the lake, but sadly, she wasn't and they found Sienna's lifeless body ... Can you even imagine that!?!?! What in the world!?!?! Paralyzed with grief.
Pray for Scott & Denise & their 6 year old daughter Camryn.
Like speechless right!? Heartbreak tragedy...

Bec and I might have joked at how protective Matt was - why was he so worried about us talking so much we wouldn't watch our kids?!
(Truth be told we did talk lots but Hudson and her Coco, kept those puddle jumpers on all day)
And then this.
Wow. Unreal. Completely.
Pray for all of us to be careful with our munchkins each day and to snuggle them a little bit tighter tonight.

Looks like a great trip! We'll pray for the meetings there. Also for Becca's awful. :( I just cannot even imagine.