The weeks just keep on flying by... somehow we are in May, although temps outside make it seem like October....
Pray today friends for Jane Aubry... I thought today was Day 1 of Chemo, it's not until Wednesday, but pray pray pray... pray for Mark and Sara too... no clue how you'd be able to see your mom going through this kinda thing... xo

Thankful this week....
for God giving us the biggest hug ever. Like ever. ever. ever.

all my other thankful thoughts pale in comparison to that one....for real....but here goes ;)
Thankful for Hannah's 1st softball game... in the pouring rain... they were kind enough to let all the girls bat once and play outfield once. No one said they were cold or minded being covered in mud. They LOVED every second. It was adorable and chaotic and adorable some more!
{"Hannah remember what I taught you, step into the ball when you hit" -Harrison}
Thankful for my new fave song... 

Thankful for words of truth spoken in an all day meeting on Saturday.
Thankful for power in the Word.
Thankful for reality that hits, that makes you draw closer to God.... I know that we should always be drawn close, but friends real talk- sometimes it takes hard hits to wake me up- and those hits aren't ever fun. Normally tears are shed. Pity parties are had. Emotions displayed. But God hears. He sees. He captures all my tears. He picked me up and carried me and still is. I know it. I also know that since I actually we as a couple, are giddy by God's blessings right now... we know that Satan is just that close. Like literally. So pray him AWAY.... go far far away and let God's glory shine....
Thankful for Hudson loving "school" {Speech at school 2 days a week, along with in home therapy 2 days a week too}
Thankful for random people I ran into this weekend.
{I went to Ulta to use a GC ... I felt like a bull in a china shop- no clue where to look or for what... it has been years since I've been in an Ulta... and I was in a daze... a sweet lady approached me and plopped me in her chair and began a mini makeover... just like that she's like "relax, I'll take care of you". And that she did, in the sweetest, non sales-pitchy way. I learned a few things, one that she was awesome, two, that you need to wash your brushes often!? Am I the only one on the planet that has (eww sorry) never washed my blush and bronzer brush!?! She was in complete disgust!! Oops!! Lesson learned. Also- she could read from my skin that I was dehydrated? Amazing. Then that night we stopped at 7-11, the lady blew my mind. People want to talk to others in powerful ways. Humans need that relationship building time, and this lady had lots to share, and she was a doll!! Anyways... as I got in the car, it made me think how easy it could be to actually put our idea of city outreach into practice... just a little "aha" moment :)
Thankful that we had a fun birthday party last Monday night. Boo for black hawks losing, yay for the yummiest cupcakes & adorable cupcake plates thanks to Target & family memories.
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