Thankful this week ...
for the truth and the hope and the joy that we have a Risen Savior.
for Monday bible study. Being kept accountable each week is awesome & knowing I get to start the work week with a clear focus about perspective and the work/life balance... is refreshing...
recycling Easter Eggs for center activities
a family meal. It's kinda crazy how busy all 3 pieces to our Hill/Hebert/Barrett puzzle are, but we rejoice when we can come together and talk and of course eat :)
for trying a new to us food spot- hooray for grass fed everything and the worlds BEST applesauce! But a $6 hot dog!? Cmon now!
prayer and a heavenly Father who knows, who comforts and is in full control.
for learning to be dependent on God in all circumstances.
that my formal observation #3 was done & I can breathe easy this week :) I love my admin, but it's always a little more intense having someone sit and script everything me and the kids say... and do... and these kids are very unpredictable... for example somehow they were extra gassy ( NO LIE!) and as we were doing a fun activity on the carpet the stench was UNREAL - and all the kids could not even help but yell "EWWW what stinks!? Who's stinkin' up the room?" And how can you do anything but laugh and open the window... because I could barely breathe too;) Real life right there friends, with admin scripting the whole time...
for Hudson's 3rd birthday
{see blog post dedicated to him, we hope that our kids can look back at their momma's crazy ramblings and see how much they mean to us... the new age baby book :)}
for siblings who wear skinny striped jammies
for awesome spring-ish weather that allows us to do fun outdoor bonding
Love the mom/daughter matching dresses! Too cute. Everyone looked great!