Hudson Frederick..... is t*h*r*e*e*
Since this little lovebug is totally train crazed, we thought what better way to begin his Birthday weekend then by watching the local Metra train arrive :) {Friday night}

Last day being 2{ Saturday} At the Zoo & then ready for bed :)
{Thank you Miss Julie {our amazing Speech Therapist}, for bringing gifts and cupcakes for a Speech birthday party Thursday}
Hudson Hudson Hudson....
He is a lover. He is a kisser. He is the epitome of a charmer. He unbuckles his seat belt at the 1st sign of arriving at any destination & can not wait for some sort of adventure.
He knows when he does wrong and looks at me instantly with the BIGGEST smile in hopes of that capturing my heart and allowing grace.... normally it works... sigh...
Potty training has not begun... sigh... He loves the Train potty and has sat on it a couple times, with bribery but no success....
He loves love loves his siblings. This love is beautiful and we are thankful for it. We hope he never says their name and that they will always be Haha and Haha.
He is the best napper.
His sleep at night ROCKS... and I know from reading my older posts that Hannah was my non sleeper and that's another post for another day, but today we rejoice that our baby SLEEPS and sleeps HARD... and long..
He is also normally the happiest waker upper- I take full credit for this as I pass along happy waking up genes for sure :) Hannah and Hudson are my extremely happy early birds.
His favorite foods are all things that can be called a cookie {That means a waffle, a pancake, a donut, a cookie, a cupcake, a piece of toast... basically any carb item that tastes yummy}
He loves his Thomas Sippy cup... in his language "Chee Chee Gubbagush"... yes don't even ask... we have literally NO idea.... except Chee Chee is similar to Choo Choo so that makes sense....
He loves cheese sticks and yellow Cheddar Cheese
He has my sweet tooth- as evidenced here .... looking for "cookies" at 8am.... found the Sprinkles and got busy "cooking".

Hudson loves Dad a.l.o.t and it's totally reciprocated... in real talk we never thought it would be possible to love on another little guy like we had and have with big H....
{Something so special with a 1st born, and then we had our Princess, so loving a daughter, 5 years after the 1st born was born, is totally natural and easy and amazing... but then the 3rd... the baby that makes the kids outnumber the parents... how can we love another child like our 1st 2? Where does the endless love of a parent's heart even come from!? It's seriously SUCH a beautiful gift... the gift of loving each child in their own very unique way... and this boy... gets serious love... I do admit I need to step back and stop bubble wrapping my kids, but maybe we have seen so much & too much? Maybe we are loving on our baby (our tall, 5T wearing, 3 year old baby;)) because we hope & think & pray that we done with having any more babies ;)... Maybe it's because he can not talk like others his age so we are super protective and defensive? Maybe because I work full time now and my hours with this monkey are limited so he gets loved on hard? Maybe we know how vulnerable kids are? Maybe we just are crazy and psychotic?
Maybe a mixture of all of the above ;) }
He is seriously THE most obsessed train boy I ever met. Completely crazed for these Thomas toys... and we totally cater to it and love his obsession with him. He loves to play trains in his own world. He is learning to "share share" & will usually give you a train or two to play with- in his own time, once he thinks it over and over and over ;)
He loves playing ball and having Nerf wars.
{ He can shoot his gun now and still yells Boom Boom as he runs from his attackers}
He is never quiet. He could never be subtle- although he loves hiding in his closet and saying Boo when we come find him...
He is always in motion. He is ....every verb. Literally every verb I was thinking of for my kindergarten lesson- {jump, hop, skip, yell, bounce, wiggle} I could imagine Hudson doing them all.
He is a do-er & although it is seriously exhausting, we love this do-er of ours and are very thankful that the Lord is doing big things in his speech development & pray that more importantly....the Lord will do big things in his heart as he grows...

One week left of the Two's!!!

Trumpet Time ;)

Fresh after a hair cut :) March '16

Happy New Year

Merry Christmas in Sea World '15

Florida '15

December '15

Soccer for Hannah Sept '15

Celebrating Hannah's 5th: July '15

Yard Sale date June '15

Arizona flight, April '15

Loving Barnes and Noble

2nd birthday.... 2015