Thankful for....
Harrison & Hannah's report cards
Amazon Prime delivering mattresses
Hudson's expanding vocab : impressive this week was "Dad, school bus"(while pointing to a school bus) & "Push Baby". And sadly he did push a baby at the gym & got in time out there. Baby stealers who take his trains, beware! He is a brute ; /
another PGM Bible Graduation program ( 12 graduates, 3 shared their testimonies and one female was a heroine addict for over 20 years, showed up at PGM and detoxed herself there {Impressive!!} & found the Lord!!) and an on time delivery of Bibles from CBD (Thanks Auntie Jack!)
wowing my class by my hair's ability to do static with a balloon. I might have felt pretty cool that my hair was the only "kind" that balloons could do static with! I may have a new super power.;)
(Photo Credit Shamya')
Thankful for my new Special Ed class going well! My professor is a lenient grader and I really need a break like that for the next 6 weeks :)
for exercised friends that encourage the teens & young adults ( thankful we still fall under the young adult category ;)) Excited to read this book & discuss it over the next few months. 
{On a real note:I have struggled with the work life balance as of late, and have been overly motivated to restructure my day due to not wanting the nasty behavior challenges ANY MORE... so early mornings normally meant me at school working, organizing & creating at 630am- not working out...and I have felt a lack of endorphin's and according to Elle Woods in Legally blonde....
On a positive note..the lack of workout time has paid off for my class however...I do feel that now, since I have my Morning centers re-tweaked, from 9-10:25 is a breeze because they're actively engaged in small groups... then they go to a Special like PE and then Lunch... so my afternoon feels LONG but praise the Lord for outdoor recess again since we have hit a heat wave!
After lunch is brutal for some of these kids who literally can not stay awake or lose all sorts of self control. Enter MATH STATIONS. Took a bit to create and organize, but now they know how to play each activity.... and if they can power through that we have "community building time" aka play time from 2-2:40.

Insert all the Hallelujah hands possible!
These kids need social time. They need structured play time. They need exposure on how to communicate in a positive way- so instead of my sticking to the "schedule"- I differentiated & not only does my class ADORE this time, I do too! Last month I created a store... this month I was thinking of switching it out- but I kept the store and added a BAKERY... ohh my heart loves this little nook... now guys please be easy on me- no funds & not even close to pintrest perfect - but my kids walked in and were in literal AWE. They had never seen pom pom cupcakes before or cupcake cook books! Oh the joy my cupcake loving self felt :) Can not even wait for 2pm today :)}

Insert all the Hallelujah hands possible!
These kids need social time. They need structured play time. They need exposure on how to communicate in a positive way- so instead of my sticking to the "schedule"- I differentiated & not only does my class ADORE this time, I do too! Last month I created a store... this month I was thinking of switching it out- but I kept the store and added a BAKERY... ohh my heart loves this little nook... now guys please be easy on me- no funds & not even close to pintrest perfect - but my kids walked in and were in literal AWE. They had never seen pom pom cupcakes before or cupcake cook books! Oh the joy my cupcake loving self felt :) Can not even wait for 2pm today :)}
{Prices were kid directed & holy smokes! These kids are loaded ;)}
Thankful for my brother, his heart & his generosity & for our daily devotion to hit the nail on the head... on the exact day we were encouraged!
Thankful for penguin pjs on this little snuggle bug!
A mini Classroom tour:
Those 4 handy sterilite plastic 3 drawers are my life saving Centers. Each morning they get rolled to the new table....I do centers Monday-Thursday & my kids sit in 4 tables, so I don't change out anything all week! (Drawers include hands on activties like ABC beads to build words or Clip boards and fun markers so they can Write the Room)
They either begin their Center time with Read to Self around the room with a snuggle buggle stuffed animal, or end the Center time with that. Lots of literacy in Room 108! Woot Woot! :)
They either begin their Center time with Read to Self around the room with a snuggle buggle stuffed animal, or end the Center time with that. Lots of literacy in Room 108! Woot Woot! :)
Those handy dandy dollar tree tubs are full of fun math activities!
Our class fave: making 3 D shapes with marshmallows and toothpicks
(in order to maintain my marshmallow stash for weeks I told them they were coated in chemicals ;)... it worked and my stash has not been eaten at all!)
I love Shannon! Her website supplies me with the BEST scripture writing plan AND printables! Aren't those posters so fun! Yay for my principal investing in a poster maker and Shannon's fabulously motivating posters!!
Go to
My word wall is not too current and looks kinda saggy in this pic, but who can read those words back there anyways?!
Not the best use of space- to be retweaked some day ;)
My corner store :)
Bye friends, thanks for stopping by.
Until next Multitude Monday .... XOXO
Your classroom looks fantastic! I love the bakery. You've created an amazing space for learning and your kids will definitely benefit from it. Keep up the hard are making a difference!