Monday, February 29, 2016

Just like that.... February is done!

How is this the last day of February!? Feels literally like yesterday I was excited that my favorite Pink Glittery Love Month was here... .

Thankful this week that my aunt was able to take time off work and be our nanny, housecleaner, cook, organizer and tree house maker :)

Thankful that we are now back to our version of normal, with Dad home and routines back.

Thankful that Matt was able to be encouraged and grow spiritually while he was with Ross.

Thankful that friends from church were able to donate their time on a Friday to come read to my class

Thankful that  my class WON for the PreK-2nd age group in most books read and most quizzes taken ( Love Accelerated Reader!!)

Thankful for  good friends in AZ who sacrifice time and space to help pick up and store a new to us quad :) 
Thankful Hudson getting 2 speech sessions a week and for an improvement in communication. 

Thankful for Hannah getting invited to her 1st Kindergarten Birthday Party. 
{After last week when Harrison got 2 birthday invites .... Hannah was feeling pretty blue... but now .... it's a different story}

Thankful for this AHHMAZING weather!! Sun and warmer temps makes me a whole new person! 

Thankful to be reminded about God's handiwork each time I drive into the sunrise. There is such beauty literally all around us... take the time to see it and be thankful for it... 
 Hudson LOVED watching Auntie Paula get creamed

 We love our new pie game (thanks Jill for the recommendation!!) Hannah, not one to like anything smooshy on her face, opts for the sponge not the whipped cream. 

 Penguin Jammies and waffles with Cool Whip

 Yes Yes Yes

Monday, February 22, 2016


Thankful for praying friends.

Thankful for bringing Hannah on a field trip with me! It was so much fun having her with our class and watching her play with my kiddos. Quality time is one of her love languages for sure.

Thankful for a playdate with Uncle Dusty & Auntie Mila at Dave and Busters.
 (We got home at like 6pm & look these "we are NOT tired moooom" Snuggled up... too cute)

Thankful that Harrison won at that giant claw "waste of money" game!! 1st time anyone from our clan has won at that!! Woot Woot!!

Thankful for birthday parties galore- great distraction from missing Dad!

Thankful for Matt's heart to help others & travel to Texas to encourage another preaching friend. The spanish assembly there was encouraged and what a blessing to witness a baptism in the Gulf! These outta the norm experiences are seriously one of a kind... and only happen when we "step out of the boat" in faith and trust God.

Thankful for our close knit church family.

Thankful thankful thankful for the inspiring All In book. I am so close to being done! Each paragraph literally hits me as an " I know right!?!?" moment. Love it.

Thankful for organization. Our space is small, so having a place for everything is tricky- but after 8 months we have made some serious progress & enjoy the simplicity.
(BEFORE... cringe...)                     (After,,,sigh...yay... the gold details are SO fun right!? :)

Thankful for the 100th day of School! {Seems like just yesterday I was walking into the unknown world of Room 108... colorless... empty walls... strange faces in the halls... now we are like family & the life that my room has ... is beautiful! Thank you for all the support, my dear bloggie pals!!}

 Random Life:

 Yay for Susanna and her fab babysitting skills! It called for a break & a Red Robin date! (Yum!!!)

 ( We love counting eyeballs and making eye ball pizza during my days off :)) 

 True Story. This outfit happened. :)

 Goodbye white couch (that we could never keep white. Pottery Barn how can I ever have your WHITE couch!?! And keep it white!?! Someday???)

Sunday School Pictures from Texas... Arrival home in T Minus 4 days!! WAHOOOOO

 Ross and a friend singing

 I will never complain about my Sunday school room again. This. Is. Real. Life. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Thankful this week for.....

Bunkbeds going up. {True story : we bought a set from Target, and they got damaged in transit and never showed up. Tried again.. same thing.. Thought maybe Bunkbeds were not for us?! But tried the 3rd time from Amazon & oh how we love everything about Amazon! Success! They arrived & Matt was able to set them up solo!}

Bedding that allows both kiddos to be happy in their shared space. {Horses & Patriots}

Hudson adjusting like a champ to Harrison's big bed {The trains all over totally helped!}

Matt's heart to help others & create relationships. Our Sunday was way outta our ordinary, but we really enjoyed meeting new people & connecting with a few of Matt's PGM friends, outside of the mission.

Valentines Day! We used this day as an "eat all the things" day & loved every second of the carb and sugar overload! Our bodies did NOT like it however and we are excited to detox and reboot :)

for all devotions being about Love. Yet, I have such a hard time truly applying what I read. Example: It's 6am on a Saturday and I am cozy and enjoying the silence, downstairs, reading and writing. Then I hear the thumps, as little Miss decides to thump down the steps. Really? Show love here? How?
 Its 1) way too early and 2) MY devotion time... And then I reflect and sit and think about my reaction ( of marching that sleepy girl right back up to zzzz land with stern words) was my devotion time worth it or could I have stopped MY time with God and let her in even in the wee morning hours?!
     God isnt finished with me yet & I am thankful...
Image result for love verses

Hudson's speech therapist, Miss Julie, readjusting her schedule to make it work better for our little man. {Normal speech sessions would begin at 1:15, an hour into Hudson's nap. then end with a huge fit because 1) she takes all her cool toys with her when she leaves and 2) hudson is beyond crabby and tired.} Now, she comes early in the morning and was totally impressed by how much better he responded.

friends who bake! follow @mommybets on IG... she bakes beautiful cookies & now ships too!

for pink glitter nails.

for a yummy smelling house. Scent this month: 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Thankful that Matt's testimony : Part 1: aired Saturday night on Unshackled!
Here is link for both parts :) Praying that God will use this to help build relationships and totally encourage those families who have crazy kids and think there is no hope! God answers prayers. His mom is the greatest example of a real life Hannah... always in prayer for her son... God is faithful. He is good... ALL the time. Not only does it share how God reached Matt, on a cute-sie side note it shares how we met, which is the best Valentine week present ever :)

Thankful for mail surprises! Love you Auntie Jack!! XO
Mark Batterson's Book ALL IN has me totally captivated. And this pink journal. Love love love it.

Thankful for fun hair ideas. Bang time to spice up this winter mess! Reese and Carrie's are my top 2.  

 Thankful for motivation.{This quote makes it seem so attainable!}

 Thankful for the sweetest most frail lady who gave Hannah this intricate paper swan. It's amazing what someone can do with paper, glue and an insane amount of time!

Thankful for being immersed in Black History Month activities. 
 Thankful for WIKI STICKS! These wax sticks are the best hands on activity for learning!
(Those adorable felt letters are courtesy of Target's $3 bin! Love using them for word family activities!)

Thankful for pictures of this handsome buddy. Waiting to pick up "Haha and Haha" :) 

 He is so full of life!

Thankful for the War Room movie. Inspiring & motivating.
 Image result for war room