Happy 2016!
Isn't it awesome to get a fresh start, on the 1st of the new year? Maybe we will be in Heaven by the end of 2016, or maybe we will still be on earth trying to fight the good fight and run the race... either way I did some reflection from 2015 & will share.
My motto for 15 was "fiercein15".
Below is the not so pretty, but much needed- written, marked up, reminder that was taped to my journal...
It was interesting to see that I was super intentional with many of them which was awesome but the physical ones, like run more, train harder and lose weight did not even come close to happening!! Oops!
This year- I didn't come up with a fun #, but decided to work on 4 areas... for 2016
1) Sing more, complain less.
2) Apply scripture to my daily life & heart instead of just head knowledge.
3) Read more books : these three are my top...

4) Fitness Fun:
eat better, work out harder & smarter (more weights!), be a better example to our bambinos ( example: less Dunkin stops means less donut traps, so that is our 1st mission ;))
What is your focus in 16?
My focus verse was Galatians 6:9 & I really enjoyed having one special scripture.
This year...

Thankful thoughts ...
Thankful for an amazing Christmas get away...
My favorite memory from the trip was hard... it was a toss up between Disney and the all you can eat pass at SeaWorld... :)
Disney: Pros: All of us met the height requirements for all the fun rides. (Yes we spiked Hudson's hair so he literally squeaked in all the good rides;))
We got to walk right on our 2 favorite rides: Splash Mountain and Thunder Mountain.
The crowd although big, was pretty manageable & the kids did a great job sticking together.
We got to have a dance party with the cast of the Incredibles
Cons: Hudson is scarred for life from the drop and splash on Splash Mountain- so every ride from that point on had him either in tears or buried in my lap. Even It's a Small World. He did eventually come around during Buzz Lightyear. We discovered that Lilo and Stitch's adventure show thing was THE WORST scariest thing EVER. Lesson learned.
Only bringing a single stroller. (Jill I need your stroller!!)
Thankful for the amazing all you can eat pass at Seaworld. So here's the run down- it was 34.99 for Matt and I each, and Harrison & Hannah were 19.99. This meant unlimited food all day. They said it was limited to once an hour ( we laughed at that - as if anyone can eat more than once an hours... oh contraire my friend;) We might have beat the loop holes ... Seaworld HAS to get better about that system or they will literally sink. We felt like we got the entire fee back in Dasani water bottles & diet cokes alone, let alone the pretty decent salads, sandwiches, desserts etc! Needless to say our Christmas feast, was just that... amazing.
Thankful to have found a Lifetime in Tampa!
Thankful for our many crazy wrestling matches & for a 10 year old that still lets his mom dress him in skinny christmas pjs.
Thankful for walks in the ocean (Hannah is our multitasker- hair brushing as she walks ;))
Our trip home! We loved our vacay but I was SO ready for home sweet home, even with 19 degrees and snow :) Something about routine, our own bed & home cooked food was exciting :)
Missing my dad tons during the holidays. He loved Christmas shopping & one of his & my special memories was Christmas Eve shopping at Burlington Mall in MA, and waiting 2 hours in the parking lot just to leave, while jamming to Mariah Carey's Christmas CD. Why do those random times stick out? Maybe it was because it was just simply quality time together. I am praying I can embrace giving my time to my kids this year & enjoy the simple, mundane, amazing presents of presence we get each day.
Such fun! And yes- Lilo and Stitch should definitely NOT be at Disney. I remember going before we had kids and I hated it (the breathing and that nasty burp?! Ugh.).
ReplyDeleteLove the idea of saving presents until you get home...makes coming home even more exciting! Glad you had a good trip, and SO glad I got to see you. :)