Today is the official back to school week in our house, and it has been long awaited! Our summer was a long, relaxing, full of fun at the beginning with M & big H away for 2 weeks... then it slowed down to a "normal" time with a few VBS events in there..and fun day trips around our amazing city & just lounging around.. I did finally embrace that *since i love the go go go* but the movie marathon days were FUN & just goofing around were FUN.... then football and soccer and cheer began & then routines come & how this mom loves her routines :)
Praying that our new routine for the 2015-2016 school year is the best for our family although I am most certainly Doubting Thomas already {Hannah has PM kindergarten 12-3... her normal nap? 12-3 & Hudson naps that same time... so praying with pick ups and drop offs and everything in between that God gets the glory & I learn some flexibility & the P word..}
Thankful today for ....
Plumb's song "Exhale"
Enjoy the lyrics, below. The opening line {It's okay, to not be okay... {just be real and be broken - in the broken times, the great Potter makes us whole.... and the chorus part about We do not exist for us, but to share your grace & love... powerful...}
It's okay to not be okay
This is a safe place
This is a safe place
Don't be afraid
Don't be ashamed
There's still hope here
There's still hope here
No matter what you've done or who you are
Everyone is welcome His arms
Just let go let His love wrap around you
And hold you close
Get lost in the surrender
Breathe it in until your heart breaks
Then exhale
Spirit come tear down the walls
That only You can
That only You can
Reconcile this heart to Yours
Right now God
Right now
Just let go let His love wrap around you
And hold you close
Get lost in the surrender
Breathe it in until your heart breaks
Then exhale
Oh God We breathe in your grace
We breathe in your grace
And exhale
Oh God we do not exist for us
But to share Your grace and love
And exhale
Oh God We breathe in your grace
We breathe in your grace
And exhale
Oh God we do not exist for us
But to share Your grace and love
And exhale
Just let go let His love wrap around you
And hold you close
Get lost in the surrender
Breathe it in until your heart breaks
Then exhale
This is a safe place
This is a safe place
Don't be afraid
Don't be ashamed
There's still hope here
There's still hope here
No matter what you've done or who you are
Everyone is welcome His arms
Just let go let His love wrap around you
And hold you close
Get lost in the surrender
Breathe it in until your heart breaks
Then exhale
Spirit come tear down the walls
That only You can
That only You can
Reconcile this heart to Yours
Right now God
Right now
Just let go let His love wrap around you
And hold you close
Get lost in the surrender
Breathe it in until your heart breaks
Then exhale
Oh God We breathe in your grace
We breathe in your grace
And exhale
Oh God we do not exist for us
But to share Your grace and love
And exhale
Oh God We breathe in your grace
We breathe in your grace
And exhale
Oh God we do not exist for us
But to share Your grace and love
And exhale
Just let go let His love wrap around you
And hold you close
Get lost in the surrender
Breathe it in until your heart breaks
Then exhale
Thankful for it being WEDDING WEEK!!!!!! {6 days... s.i.x}
With wedding hubbub comes family {Insert all the super happy faces here!!} My 3 aunts on my dad's side are coming from MA.... it's been since my dad's funeral (7 years ago) that we have ALL been together!
Thankful for my back aches... literally guys, every single morning I wake up hurtin' & I am only 32!! Cmon!! But hoping with yoga, and more core workouts, my back aches will disappear without a chiro visit... but we shall see... I am thankful for this ache however because it gets me outta my uber cozy bed each morning well before anyone else... and I can blog on Mondays, uninterrupted, and do devotions, "Woman's Heart" by Beth Moore needs a shout out here...
Thankful that we were able to update our mini patio area... (cement slab... but patio sounds better ;))
{Love that Fall stuff is out which means summer stuff is priced to sell! Happy Budgeting mama!}
Thankful for our 2 new bird feeders....during my fore mentioned uninterrupted time, I can gaze outside and see hummingbirds {Man these creatures fascinate me!!} and then a "normal" sparrow feeder. The flocks of sparrows are amazing! {Flocks? Herds? Schools? Who knows what the group of sparrows is called?!:)}
Thankful for presents arriving right before back to school- love us some Nike gear!
Thankful for Harrison's awesome tackle right before the end zone, during the 4th down at his game this weekend. The other team was SO close to the end zone... and then came the neon green cleats {Only way we can make sure it's Harrison lol} and boom- he gone- They did end up losing, but we love seeing his passion & fire & excitement for football & his team. *Side note, I want to bottle up his joy- after a loss- his head wasn't hung low and mopey- instead he was happy and grinning from ear to ear about his "sick tackle on the QB"... keep that positive vibe my boy! XO
Thankful for beginning a new year at a new school. Remember I told you blogger friends, change isn't my fave, except for spiritual change, but a change of schools can be great{secretary Peggy & Teresa you have our hearts, when I thought Miss Patsy from Palos West ruled the world, I found out that your hearts and kind smiles will make both our kiddos excited to come to school... secretaries are SO special and truly set that welcoming or not to welcoming tone.. praising the lord for great, kind, energetic happy secretaries}.
Thankful for our new vaccuum.. friends its the little things right? And this 59.99 super deal of a vac has a Febreeze filter, which means our place is smelling like fresh rain after each cleaning...
(Our's is lime green not purple & Meijer beat Amazon on price!)
Glad to hear that the school change is going well! Your whole family is so incredibly friendly and outgoing...I have no doubts that you will all do amazing!