{Tuesdays are my slow sluggish days...but tomorrow's a holiday- so I hope to beat it this week....but I love the fresh start that Monday brings! Hope you do too!!}
1160- Thankful for spring temps. I took our Arizona temps for granted. Totally. Even the intense dry heat summers and the countless seatbelt buckle burns I would get by the burning hot metal each day in the car....I would take those melter days any day!! Our February was crazy here in the Windy City....and I know we had less snow that our back East friends and fam... but the cold and gray is no bueno!!
1161- Thankful for being awoken out of a very real dream 3 minutes before my alarm clock was supposed to go off...and thankful to have had the strength to GET UP and hit the gym at 5:15! I used to do this ALL the time when we just had Harrison- back in AZ... mornings are my fave time of the day.. fave... but lately as in 5 years lately... I have been too lazy and love my sleep!! But no more baby! I love tank tops too much for flabby arms! Gotta rock out. #fiercein15
1162- Thankful that even though we had to lose an hour of precious zzzz last week, our evenings are longer!! More family time OUTSIDE! Such a blessing!!
1163- Thankful for good, challenging, heart searching ministry yesterday. Relationships are hard. Relationships take work. Relationships are essential. I appreciated the reminder that our relationship with God is interwoven into all other relationships.
1164- Thankful for food cooked for all meals this week!! Matt rocked out a grocery spree with Harrison on Saturday during naptime, and yesterday I whipped up 80% of it, and portion controlled it, making it easy to grab & go for our lunches...and our biggest struggle is supper on the run for some of our crazy evenings, so now struggle no more. Already cooked- just zap and eat in the car if we have to, but fast food will not win.......... this week anyways ;)
1165- Thankful for Hannah and her masterpieces. She is one creative chicky.
1166- Thankful that we got to enjoy a nice meal with friends.... and I got to snuggle 2 babies!!
1167- Thankful for leprechaun traps. My class had a blast unwinding from a stressful PARCC testing period, to enjoy team building Leprechaun Trap creations... so fun. Thanks for the inspiration Jill!!
1168- Thankful for family rocket blasting time
1169- Thankful to have a God who thinks about all the details in our lives.
1170- Thankful for Iced Coffees and Uncle Dusty and Kamilla who provide us Sunday afternoon drinks
The traps look awesome! :) And I totally hear you with the early morning workouts-it's so hard to get up and get going when it's dark and cold out...but don't you feel amazing and ready to tackle the day when you do it?? I love that feeling....just need to remember it at 6 am. ;)