Happy New Year!
My friend, and the 3 Musketeers {Dusty Myself & Matty}, and some other Instagrammers, love the #: #FIERCEIN15.... I loved this definition of fierce:"of a feeling, emotion, or action- showing a heartfelt and powerful intensity".... We hope to be fierce in all areas - spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, etc.... We are excited to embrace this new year with reflections on the past year and years, and determination to be an overcomer when challenges come our way. I hope you will be your own version of Fierce... and embrace #Fiercein15 as well. XO
If you are new to the blog- WELCOME!! As a way to enjoy each moment and honor God through it all- I blog each Monday about 10 things I have been thankful for during the past week. #annvoskamp (She authored 1,000 gifts, a gratitude journal, which inspired me). A few weeks ago I reached my 1,000 Gifts, but I really enjoy sharing my thoughts & then having them here on the computer to print out for our kids, or for our family. This is a u reminder as I see God's kindness - even in the mundane mommy moments, and through those epic fails too. God is always good. No matter what. Circumstances do not change His faithfulness. He is our only constant. Love that. Love Him. Love you!
Thankful this week for:
*My brother turning the big 3-5!
*Watching Unbroken as a double date ... in a new to us theater... with amazing food service and recliners
*war veterans- that movie really shook me up and made me appreciate their sacrifice on a greater level.
*a low key NYE. I reread my 2014 blog post, and it was about leaving a NYE bash with a puking Hudson. This year- thankfully it was different. All kiddos were healthy and Hudsie was in bed at 7.
*thankful that NYC celebrated NY at 11pm. That was the longest I could stretch my eyes open til! That ball! That crowd! Its on my bucket list!
*Youtube... best place to find out how to release a skunk...without getting sprayed... yup we were thrilled to see the trap door of the squirrel trap down on Sunday morning... only to see a BLACK AND WHITE creature in there!! Oh boy!
*getting a massive bag of amazing quality hand me downs for Harrison.
*google images... I am now just discovering that I can type in any verse, and many amazing designs pop up! Etsy - no longer need you baby.
*Whole 30 eating plan & Lara Bars.... today is day 5 of no refined sugar, dairy or grains. We have survived and continually slay the SUGAR DRAGON! Struggle is real folks! Hi my name is Alison and I was a sugar addict. Completely. Today I have been sober...5 days... WOOT WOOT....
*for the fresh pages of my 2015 pink journal, and the daily scripture activity challenge.
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