900-Thankful for Hudson Frederick. 18 Months & such a BOY. Loud! Adorable! Lover! High fiver! Active monkey. Trying to talk and talk and talk! Hebert/Hill genes for sure on that one ;)

901-Thankful for dress suits for boys at consignment shops

902- Thankful that Harrison asked to get dressed up in the suit on Sunday, and said, "I'm a real man", when walking into church. Oh sweet boy, it's not the clothes that make you a man! But I loved how grown up & handsome he looked.
903-Thankful that my hubby wanted to watch "moms night out" - not normally his type of movie- but we enjoyed it .... and I love how God moves, because it was on a day that I felt like a total mom failure ~ which Matt knew nothing of!
904-Thankful for a new Bible Study small group. This is the year I go out of my comfort zone to be real and live to the max, for Christ. It was not easy- looking back to last wednesday- walking into a new church, with 100% of the people strangers, leaving Hudson with a nursery of strangers ( he was LOVING it & I loved the peaceful 90 minutes kid free ;)) but left encouraged & uplifted & I can't wait for this Wednesday!
905- Thankful for dad son dates.

906- Thankful for christian friends and fellowship
907- Thankful for pumpkin cookies, that were as easy as... open plop and bake.... instant fall smelling house and with some added white chocolate drizzle, they almost look gourmet :)

908- Thankful to be living in a state that has seasons. {Disclaimer, Arizona, I Love you LOTS, and really miss the heat and the endless sunshine, but I am going to embrace Illinois, the gray.. the rain.. and the crisp mornings :)}
909- Thankful to have been a testimony to unsaved friends... dustin's friend left our house and told him "I felt the love in your house". That's special. That is God at work.
910- Thankful that Hannah is embracing new foods " Pink Pizza" was a hit... Eggo with sliced berries... really it took me 4 years to figure that one out!? #notacook #bettycrockerwannabe

follow me on instagram: alihebes
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