Thankful this week that.....
670: there are JUST *10 days* until there are balloons galore & Rainbow chip cupcakes & lots of pink ;)
671: Most importantly... 6 days until Easter... I have enjoyed teaching an older class SS- and I wanted to get the meaning behind Easter- did you know the word Easter is only found 1 time in the Bible? In Acts?
But soo much Easter-y talk has been going on I needed to know what- if anything- the Bible says about it... and I came to a few conclusions- 1)Why didnt I search this earlier!? 2) Easter is "a christian celebration of the resurrection"(google), normally celebrated by a feast. 3)This week is called "Holy Week" by many, as yesterday "Palm Sunday" or the "Triumphal Entry" day started the Lord's timeline to the Cross of Calvary. 4) Passover DID really occur in Exodus, and this is tied in to Easter. Passover/Last Supper are very significant. And then the events leading to His death: arresting, scourging, crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection... My biggest issue is where do the chocolate bunnies and Peeps come in??!!
I love love love all holidays & I was blessed enough to marry a hubby who is NOT into holidays, but shares in seeing our kids enjoy them- and that is why I have come to research them against God's word. Matt's family did not celebrate ANY holidays... So from different readings & my own brain, the chicks & bunnies show new spring... resurrection seems like it was a Spring event, and the resurrection of our Lord gives us LIFE. So I get it :) Our children do not get to believe in the Easter Bunny ( or Santa or the Tooth Fairy) but they get to understand the real meanings of events & of course get presents & plastic eggs & sugary treats & our childhood fave : jelly bean hunt!
672: a fun night with friends at their kiddo's christian choir concert. so neat to hear teens singing christian songs- AT SCHOOL- what a joy! Worth every dime of that tuition!
673- a fun opening day parade for PBO- Palos Baseball Organization- so many people, so much fun on a gorgeous "real" spring day!
674- an interesting 1st Baseball game ... 1 down, 15 left. This sport is not Harrison's strongest, and we all know it...not yet anyways...he has great determination & athletisicm, so he is working at it. It was humbling for us all & the Lord knew we needed it. Harrison is one lucky dude to have such a baseball loving uncle & athletic dad. They worked hard after the game ( He started as a pitcher!! Holy cow- the pressure was intense!! This mom needed to take a stroll with the kids during that inning). It was interesting. But he is 8. He has never played baseball. He has no clue of the rules- we all assumed he did- oops- so we are excited about the pitching coach we will meet this week. We were loving the fact that we could have a chat on the way home about relating to kids who aren't "good" at sports- as we listened to many post game basketball chats about certain kids on Harrison's team who "couldnt dribble or shoot or rebound etc"- it was hard to relate ....we are losing sight of the FUN aspect and are driven by competition- which is great too- but all in balance :) :)
675- baby news from a special friend
676- Toys R Us Giftcard for a late bday gift for Hudson!! Dustin's boss hooked our little man up. It was fun to shop- but this thrifty mama almost dyed at the "new" toy costs
677- tomorrow I will find out if I was chosen out of the new lottery registration system to run in the Chicago Marathon in October
678- Free Printables from Pintrest. My recent faves are children's verses.... to hang in colorful frames in the to-be-revamped preschool/kindergarten Sunday School class.
679- looking forward to a our fave sitter Sarah watching the H's this weekend. Pre Birthday date night! This week is packed, so I know it will draaaag on... but super excited.
680- excited to spend Saturday with fun, edifying christian friends. You know those supper dates with awesome friends, who you just "get", and you mesh perfectly with? Its been encouraging to us to have a couple special couples that all "get" each other...our kids play nicely & we get real talks...good laughs & matt's the chef- sooo yummy food :) :)

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