Happy Multitude Monday!
We are getting closer to one of my fave holidays...Valentine's Day!! The pink! The Hearts! What's not to just adore?! :)
530: Thankful this week for..... a great basketball coach & cool teammates for Harrison. This is the 1st time we have ever dropped him off at practice- normally we stay and watch - but no other parents do that here- he is growing up & this mama needs to embrace it....hard ... to... do!
531: Birds chirping on a 40 degree day.
532: Sleepover with fun christian kids
533: a special visit with a special older couple
534: Finished my audio book: "Praying Circles Around Your Children" by Mark Batterson. (Thanks Auntie Jack!) Must listen - for every parent. Really really encouraging & motivating.
535: Patriots will play Saturday- with hopes of going to NY for the Super Bowl!!!! Way to go Brady!!!
536: Ministry planned for 4 nights this week
537: Thankful for... Hannah's all girl personality, and her big spins in her adorable fuchsia tutu & matching tights and sparkly Uggs.... she is my dolly & this semi-alone time with her, while big bro is schooling, and little bro is babbling and crawling everywhere, is so super special! Her mind is just so curious & always in motion.
538- Thankful for the many times the Lord provided for the Children of Israel & for His deliverance. Encouraged.
539- Thankful that my mom arrived safely in Mexico
540: And excited- soo excited- that this is the last week of my 2nd to last class!!(I have loved this class and learned loads!) 1 class left and then a 1/2 credit capstone. March 14th - we are AZ bound & seriously are in InLaw withdrawal - so will be a double bonus!! Graduation & family!!
Fave verse to share: Exodus 17: 12
This is about the defeat of Amalek, and Moses' hands were tired, so he sat down and Hur and Aaron held his hands up for him, and Joshua defeated Amalek. I took from this- that we need to be Hur and Aaron sometimes to our friends and family, and need to help them as they press onward for God. We need to bear each others burdens in prayer and in action. XO
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