Our 1st born turned the big 1-7! Thankfully he was off on his big day and my mother in law was able to watch Lulu & Hudson so we could have a date! He loves thrift hunting, looking for that unique vintage T, and shoe hunting with a visit to his fave Dutch Bros for a free bday drink! It was a great couple hours of just US... treasured moments... and then he was off to hang with his bros 😎
Thank you Hissyfits for this GUCCI headband!! Authentic & 1/3 the price!
Dutch Bros!
Love you buddy!! Thanks for having matching aviators!
All the birthday morning love! Thanks Auntie Mo for the Hawaii love !!
Lulu thinks every birthday is hers
Krispy Kreme donut cake
He is so ready for Senior Year! He is full of hopes and dreams and amazing perspectives. To all those who are not in the teen years yet w your kiddos- you have SO much to look forward to! From birth this kid has been a dream and as a teen he just continues to blow us away! XO