Happy Monday ! Today begins more ELearning for our crew & call me crazy but I may get used to this? It feels so good having us all home without insane schedules to keep track of!
Thankful this week for our health and happiness.
This inspirational message was courtesy of our Asst. Principal. I love the bond and connection we all have, even without physically working together right now.
Thankful for great Youtube channels, Just Dance, Spanish & GoNoodle are our faves for "learning".
Thankful for his huge heart.
Thankful for our rental home location. Literally right across from a school, so we have access to their empty park. (And I have researched lots regarding germs on playgrounds and the length of CoVid on plastic and metal and everything, yet clorox wipes and sun are a good crew to have on our side ;))
Thankful for Lulu's awesome room here. She sleeps like a CHAMP ( and that means momma does too!) PTL!
Read this book, and it provided some relate-able mom humor, it's a fast read, yet not super deep.
Thankful for Harrison's 6th grade teacher sharing home workouts!
Thankful for strolling in the sun!
Thankful for Hannah's determination! She nailed a 3 miles walk! There might have been bribery waiting at the end ;) But she did it! Yay!
Apparently Covid has brought all the people out to buy all the bikes! Thankfully the exact one we wanted was in stock & on clearance!? Heaven hug! Thank you!
Although we run errands, it's not usually a family affair. We keep Lulu in the car safe from people! We get to dance away the germs as we wait for our shoppers!
BBQ time with Matt parents! Still rockin' Whole 30 for some meals ;)
Mickey Mouse bars save the day!
The guys!
These pics are courtesy of brave hubs. I used to hike!? But somehow am wimping out in my mom stage! Trying to get brave this week tho!
Firepit evenings... always a good idea
So as you all probably know, we only intended to be away for a week, so our clothing options are minimal to say the least. Noone cares since we don't go out, but Lulu needs stuff! Insert all the happy hearts for our fave local consignment store! This tutu dress is 3-6 month, so she will wear it a time or 2, then I will consign it! I stocked up this week on 12 month clothes, hoping our little peanut grows while she is here 💓
So instagram gets the cute, Lulu in a tutu with perfect bubble pics... but if you only knew... reality is here... big boys get DOWN over here with their wrestling moves! Meanwhile, Hannah in kind and peaceful fashion just keeps blowing bubbles. 😆
Skatin' away his days ❤✌
#truth : All of a sudden I have a burden for small businesses 😂👌
Although she misses friends, the sunny days & bike rides help!
Another beautiful evening hike & frame worthy pix!
Last wake up as a 6 year old! 3.26.2020
Sharing some freebies....
Thankful for this... obvi the date is not current, but the adorable clip art and practical message is!
Thankful that the parks are still open out here, and empty. The railroad park was such a fave for Harrison when we lived here, and such beautiful memories of my dad on the train with him & on the carousel... and it was pretty sweet to relive those with the whole tribe...
I think the siblings could appreciate the social distancing mandate for a year or so! 👀😛
Prepping for Hudson's "party"!
Hannah's dream of sliming often is coming true!
Parent Review: Never buy this! (It smells great, but they did not want to eat it and as you can tell by Hudson's face, he was not a fan of even playing with it!?)
Thankful for creativity! Working out from home is NOT our fave! But we love being outdoors here in AZ! So it's helping! I thought this ABC workout was legit too!
Happy 7th Birthday Hudson Frederick!
He is so full of life! His fave foods are still chicken nuggets and spaghetti with red sauce. He loves "rectangle" donuts or vanilla long johns from Dunkin. He loves Star Wars Legos, and Nerf and has an incredible imagination. Although he is a home body and loves playing on his own, he has worked hard on letting others in "to his world" & we are blown away by the depth of all he has going on! We are thankful that although he was born in AZ, this is his 1st birthday in AZ! We will make it a good one!
Harrison's bike arrived!
Scootin' along! Still no boy bikes that fit him! But we are on the lookout daily!👀
Best Birthday Lunch ever, of course dessert goes 1st today!
Love this crew so crazy much. Brings back so many happy back in the day memories!
Jello Play Review #2: This was better than the edible slime, the Legos came out cute - yet they do not build or stack like the pic shows, but Hudson ate them, so that's a plus! And we have the cute molds to use for other stuff ...
Thankful for this walker! She is getting the hang of it and cruising, safely, all over!
Loving the trails!
Sunny days and endless bubbles... enjoy that kids life buddy!
LOVE this monitor and LOVE her precious doll self. Little angel.
Thankful for freebies!
Thankful for an empty Costco!
Thankful for hiking buddies!
And incredible painted skies!
How is David old enough to drive already!? Feels like yesterday these two were just 5 and 7!
Thankful for this cool live reading!
Can't even with these 2!
Thankful for our lil baker Hannah! Made this yummy dessert for us!
She is SO close to walking! Get it girl! 😍
Thankful for cool ELearning time for the kiddos.
Thankful for a cool online children's meeting! Hannah was excited the girls team won the Battle Ship Game!
And then we got this news.. but thankfully...

Enjoy the notes from a Sunday Sermon we enjoyed...
1st words of God : Gen 1:1-3 "Let there be light .. and there was
If God speaks it shouldn't be an argument.
Isaiah 60:1
Hebrews 1:1-4
Adams 1st Words : This is mine. This is my promise
Hold on to the word of God. Adam claimed it. "This is mine".
Psalm 30:1-3
Psalm 38:7-8
Psalm 41:2-3
Psalm 91:3, 9-10
1st Words of Satan : Did God really say?
Learn from Eve, she started a debate with Satan, Decide "this is mine", claim God's promises and don't entertain the Devil.
Honor God, God is fighting for me right now! Malachi 3:10-11
X: Negativity X: Criticism
Hold close to the word of the Lord
Enjoy this tune : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjXK9PdCpis&list=RDEMneBVV3ubqkrV1mzwMJs8vg&index=10