Thankful for our fam jam, even though we all had some sort of cold this week, and although there have been nightmares and workmares and lots of crazy, we seem to bounce back on the weekends together and I just crave more weekend!! Can I get an Amen!?
But.... Monday is here... and that means pictures from last week and our weekend...
Enjoy! XO
So one day a couple weeks ago I found beautiful slime, for 80% off. My mom hooked me up with more slime from 3 more Walgreens! Yay! And so I had to make up some educational plan to use it daily, as it is INCREDIBLE for my diverse learners, the biter, the kickers, the sweeties .. and for stressed out teachers!
One student, unprompted, made the 1st letter of her name and BINGO... letter formation with slime... and then Science Bubbles with Slime... HOORAY!
After school on Wednesdays, I host an hour long film club for some kiddos. In order to give us all some Emotional Learning stamina, we try to watch shows with meaning and then reflect on it and hopefully live it?! These 9 habits are a good start!
Thankful that our van is under warranty & the recalls were able to get fixed while we had a fun blue Jeep as a loaner!
Thankful for SNOW!
The kids' dreams came true!
Thankful for 1- Lulu's adorable Giggle Moon romper, for $1! And 2- the fun glow rings she can play with at daycare ( and hopefully not bite!?)
Snow Family!
Thankful that Hudson is on point with his sight words and snuck in my Sight Word Super Star photo!
Thankful for this reminder this week...
Thankful for Lulu's monitor. I love spying on her cute, busy, not gonna nap self!
Thankful to have a date with our oldest and youngest!
Hudson and Hannah were able to enjoy a fun parents night out at our gym! We get 1 free night out each month and I am JUST now knowing this!? So yes, you better believe we will take advantage of these!
Sunday Funday!
We tried putting the Santa hat in a box for AmVets ( donations). Hudson saw it "I've been looking everywhere for this thing." Ohhh ok...
This school year has been one for the books.... there are 4 very challenging students that make my class of 24 seem like 44. Each day I pray for absent kids. There is only so many chairs thrown, kicked, arms bit, hair pulled, faces scratched that we can handle... but after reading and reading articles about classroom management, trauma in students, flex seating etc.... I threw up a new bulletin board to maybe give me a pep talk too... and took away most of the toys & chairs! We will see how this helps! And make changes as needed... prayers appreciated!

And prayers for Kobe's family and the other passenger's families too. 😍