This week was full of celebrations and sugar!
From what felt like endless soccer games ( in reality only 3, but STILL!), Birthday fun that lasts all week because let's get real, a birthday during the week is just a work day with some cake ;), and lots of fellowship!!
Yummy middle eastern treats from my friend who attended a 2 day very lavish wedding!
Warm days and Popsicles at the park!
Grandpa Ray stayed all week! He is the best!
Hudson's big read to the class day is May 6! He is reading pages 1-17 in this book! He is practicing so hard, and doing SUCH a great job! And even fell asleep with it.
His AMAZING gen ed teacher!!
Soccer game #1. He has any seat on the almost empty bleachers, yet Grandpa Ray's lap is always preferred!
My kiddos think I'm ancient 😢🙈
She nailed my dream hair!
And why yes, I see the resemblance 😉
Birthday treats! All I wanted for breakfast lunch and dinner was this strawberry pretzel "salad". Props to Momma bear for whipping it up! So delish!!!!
Dusty & Mila did a special delivery too!
Hooray for a warm morning & spelling practice outdoors!
Grandparent Day!!
Seeing Hudson, sitting, focused and writing blows my mind. He & and his INCREDIBLE team have seriously worked sooo hard this year!!
Soccer Game #3!
Their ABC countdown til the last day has begun!! ( Insert all the tears! How is this AMAZING year ending!?!)
His letter was S!
Miss H! Hudson's 1 on 1, and my fave texting pal! She is a blast!
When dad comes home early- puppy store is the 1st go to!
And then we got snow. Really!? And no, we are not bringing all that winter nonsense back up from the basement, so they were a little cold 😜
Sushi date
Reuniting with old friends!
Sweetest friend! Brought her bracelet making kit to church! Such a fun idea!
Adorable. In every way.
And the Hebert Pest Control Saga continues! We are so determined to NOT have any squirrels back in the roof... but we only caught an adorable coon!
Meeting a new to us preacher, who stayed with my grandparents back in the 70s!
Sunday Smiles!
Back on the gram & this shirt is my May motto!