Taking a walk down memory lane... with baby Hudson pics! How is this perfect little bundle turning 6 in 2 days?
The drive to work just keeps getting sunnier!
( Especially knowing that in 13 student days and 1 teacher in service day, we will be FL bound!)
All smiles for Gymnastics!Baby H! Alien like still, but here is her sweet little facial profile, with her hand in front of her mouth
and her big momma feet ;)
Cutest flowers in the patch!
Thankful for good reads
Celebrating his birthday, on the last day before break, with PJS and a movie at school!
Love the little Hudsie pics!!
And a fresh new do for the birthday week!
When there's sun, we all hope to get our Hawaii bronzed selves back!
park time!
And lots of mud 😣
Sunday snuggles are the best! I might have been up the whole nap time, enjoying a silent house 😄
Thankful for texts with these gems attached!
Thankful for the study in Colossians... when hubby has the bible study and digs deep, it really helps both of us! Love these great verses!