Thankful this week for our fam jam....sickness can do that right? When you hear the coughs, see the runny noses, after a very healthy summer, and then the germs hit. It made me realize how blessed we are to normally be healthy & how thankful I am for each of those amazing people...
Thankful that Hannah's medicine helped her fight her bug right away and although her 'tude lasted longer than her illness, we cut her some slack, and allowed for pickles at breakfast and cartoons at entirely way too early of times in the morning... and now she's back... the normal, healthy, art crazed love bug.

Thankful for Harrison getting recognized at school.
I love this boy more than words can tell, but his crazy 11 year old self drives momma up theeeee wall some days.... He is fiercely independent ( no clue what gene pool that comes from ;))..He loves school.... He works hard, but sometimes he needs lots of parent help with Homework, and man, these teachers these days are giving out entirely WAY too much homework- I want to hang out, play ball, read, go to the gym with my kids, not be a drill Sargent for an hour or two EACH NIGHT... sigh... and then he gets recognized as the PE student of the month ( no surprise there he is obsessed with PE!) But the character award really touched my heart... because we pray that the values we weakly try to instill and miserably fail at, somehow stick when he leaves the house in a hurried way each day so that his teachers and friends can see a teeny glimpse of Heaven... and somehow this award gave me a glimmer of hope that indeed they do.. out of all the 6th graders... they saw him as displaying honesty and respect... and I thanked the Lord... and pray that in those crazy days when the test scores don't display his effort in studying, or when his friends drive us crazy during sleep overs, or when he is playing that trumpet of his right before bed, that we just pause and pray and then pray some more and smile big :)

Thankful for times when God speaks... strange how it works... but love it none the less... Hudson is hacking up his lung in bed on Friday night... we had just settled down for a movie... and then we hear him.. and I wonder what in the world!? So in my heart I am annoyed- I know I shouldn't be- but it's Friday. We had just sat through a band performance then a grocery shopping adventure and it's 9pm and I'm ready for snuggles and chill time... kid free chill time... sooo my heart's in the wrong spot. maybe you can relate?!
then i see him, sitting up, asleep, coughing. I offer him a sippy cup. Just more tears. Offer him bubble gum medicine, more tears. Then I pick him up and rock him. Instant peace. I just sat and held and rocked this big munchkin. He will always be my baby... (as he nears 4 I wonder how can that even be possible?!) His breathing calmed. He was out, and almost slept perfectly through the night. Amazing how that special bonding time helped calm him and how as I was rocking him, the song that came to mind was Casting Crowns Just Be Held.. and how we try so hard to fill our lives with things that can pacify, but when we are simply held by our Father... all is calm.. all is peaceful and we have perfect rest... and I was encouraged...
Love these lyrics from Just Be Held
Your world's not falling apart, it's falling into place
I'm on the throne, stop holding on and just be held
Just be held, just be held
If your eyes are on the storm
You'll wonder if I love you still
But if your eyes are on the cross
You'll know I always have and I always will
Thankful for this time of year. Thankful for brisk afternoons, glowing sunsets and pumpkins.
Thankful for the fire department calling... and delivering winning news!!! Here is a side ways pic of the winning poster for Fire Safety ... theme this year was "Check the Date and Change Your Smoke Detector Every 10 years" Award ceremony is next week :)
Thankful for camera man Hudson capturing a birthday dinner for Mimi
Trumpet performance... don't be fooled- he loves playing :) Just not posing for his sister ;)
Thankful for a little organization to the toy zone... labels to the rescue....
Kids art zone, and Hannah's homework area... love these chair pouches at school so.... of course she needed one too :) Genius invention!!