Thankful for Spring Break!

Thankful that it's my birthday week!

Thankful that my dad was an awesome school project helper, and that Big H has his Papa's excitement of getting things done and done "just like the directions said" and let's his mom totally help out, because I could hardly contain myself.
Love the creativity of his teacher's assignment.
Love Harrison's enthusiasm to dress in character tomorrow too during presentation.
Check out the our "Pop Star" Louis Armstrong - requirement: make an as realistic as possible soda pop bottle figure
-Empty out a Sprite bottle.
-Spray paint.
-Paint styrafoam ball as a head
-Trace hands of nearest sibling
-Paint...Cut...Tape and bust out the glitter for the Trumpet!
Thankful for answered prayer. God is not a God of confusion, and I love when prayers are directly answered and we now a certain path.
Thankful for wise words.

Pray specifically for this area of 8.6 miles... the distance in between my school and PGM.... we have sick relationships at both locations, thank you Lord, and want to continue to build these relationships as we show them God's goodness in practical ways... The in -between stretch of streets are anything but safe... for the most we aren't sure how to make anything work, but we know God has it all figured out and so we just need to pray and wait and watch Him work...

Thankful for a sunny Saturday full of family, sticky faces and baseball!
Baseball/Softball opening day parade. The town shuts down. All the families line the streets. All the teams get decked out. Candy flies through the air, and everyone is happy :) Its so so so fun and I love that Hannah can be part of it this year! Her love of poster making and parade walking is SO contagious. Her enormous smile when she got to keep the candy she didn't throw, was super priceless!
Thankful that our 1st baseball game went well! Harrison pitched great, thanks to some over eager batters swinging at ANYTHING ;) and he made sick catches to get some pretty big outs. Wahooo

{How Hudson stayed occupied for all 9 innings, minus a donut and hug date with Uncle Dusty and Auntie Mila}

{Pretzel picnic! Love baseball season! Love seeing friends from past seasons.}

Thankful for spring temps, smiles and sunsets.

Thankful for Hannah tagging along with me on her day off.

Thankful to have finally hung up this adorable lit up H! Thanks mom!