Thankful that my dad celebrated another birthday in Heaven. Monday 10.20 was his special day.
Because I want my kids to know what an amazing man my dad was - we visit the grave often- sometimes once a week - death is real. Our kids know this. It's not a sad time at the grave. Death of a christian is not sad. We miss him more than words can even tell... but, we are SO happy for where he is! We are so happy we have hope and can not wait for the reunion day! {Could be today!?} Normally it's a time that I run out and water flowers, water the grave from all the animal poop, and then Harrison & I can share Papa memories with Hannah. I find it very the middle of the quiet forest preserve. The colors dance all around us. The leaves this time of year are just amazing. We brought a pumpkin for papa.
Thankful that during Coach Pat's time of loss, we can give him food & then snuck Life in too!! There was a personalized bible for him along with the physical food :). Pray for him.
Thankful for Harrison having a great playoff day on Saturday. They won their 1st game with 16 seconds left!!{Disclaimer, I was that mom on the sidelines battling bees of course, and 2 kids who were SO over football! So I was secretly VERY excited that they were losing- that meant we got to go home right away! Then those 16 seconds that changed our whole day :) Harrison was beaming of course, which made the next 5 hours worth it :) We had to stay for 5 more hours. Yes that seems small to some, but to those moms out there, it's pretty much an eternity! Nap time finally happened at 430 that day. At least it happened :) }
Thankful for football to be over and for us to have our "normal" schedule back
Thankful for school pictures
Thankful for Hannah's love love LOVE of school
Thankful for my Aunt Jackie
Thankful for BIBLES
Thankful for tulle & my hot glue gun {2 out of 4 - yes I dress up too-Halloween Costumes : Homemade this year!}
Thankful for powerful reminders from Psalms that " The Lord is my light & Salvation, whom shall I fear" and for the power in "seeking His face".
Do you follow me on instagram? alihebes5 {My computer is acting silly about uploading the pictures, so please follow me on IG, and you will have a little glimpse into our weekly activities :)