591- Thankful for Hudson's love of his siblings. Hannah is a little mama to him during our time together. When Harrison is home, he delights in playing with big bro too. This little bundle is sooo fun and soo smiley and soo vocal :)
592- Thankful for a Saturday morning date with Dad- Harrison had a bday party to go to, so Hannah got some hang out time alone .... super special memories doing simple things :)
593- Thankful for crazy sleep positions :) These silly kids!!
594- thankful for answered prayers....matts brother mark gets full custody of his daughter Gracie on thursday !!
595-thankful that Hudson is "fiesty and strong " according to the nurse team that tried to do some tests on him... Dislike that we have get him retested though... look at that sweet little gown he had to wear! I was just glad to see a smile- he went through too many pokes for a little guy!
596-thankful to have an upcoming movie date w sweet friends
597- thankful for whole wheat spaghettios (is it horrible that our kids love and request them?! At least they are the whole wheat kind:))
598- 16 days til AZ!!!
599- thankful for our bbsitter sarah!!
600- thankful for uncle dusty who woke up early on his day off to get H off to school and back ...and to DQ and to toys R Us ;)....so I could support close friends at a funeral
This week we have seen and watched Gods hand move. The custody battle is just another glimpse into Gods perfect timing!!
We heard recently of two other friends hit w leukemia....prayer warriors unite for Mr Hull and little Josiah Dyck